How To Be The Perfect Wife – 8 Super Simple Tricks

Knowing how to be the perfect wife is a difficult thing. After all, there is a massive stereotype about being the perfect wife that has been around for plenty of decades.

However, when it comes down to it all, there are definitely do’s and don’ts for being a wife. If you do all of the right things you can easily be the perfect wife.

Before delving into how to be the perfect wife, I feel that it is of the utmost importance to say that you should be the wife you want to be, and the wife that suits you and your partner.

It is very important to make sure you don’t lose who you truly are while trying to be the perfect wife. Your partner married you, for you. You need to mold these ideas of how to be the perfect wife to fit your life, and so that it will not change who you are as a person.

Read on to learn about certain traits and behaviors which will help you figure out how to be the perfect wife!

1) Honesty

couple talking on the couch

This is a crucial characteristic for becoming the perfect wife. You need to always be honest with your husband. If you lie to him, even about the smallest of things, then your partner will grow to not trust you.

Additionally, if you are married to someone, you should feel comfortable enough to tell them anything and everything and not have to lie about it.

As well, the best way to look at it would be to also realize that if you are honest with your husband, then there is a higher chance that he is also completely honest with you as well.

Consider it this way, if you lied to him about everything that would mean that he would sense it and that your relationship is not built upon that bond of trust. However, if you both don’t lie, then you have that strong foundation of trust that you both won’t stray from.


Men fall in love with women who have this “secret ingredient”

He will always have an unshakeable urge to seek out a woman who has this one “secret ingredient.”

2) Care

Care, a simple, four letter word. However, it has a lot of meaning. You need to show your partner that you care by doing things for them when they are sick, stressed, busy, or even when everything is absolutely and blissfully perfect.

Although showing it through physical actions is great, you still also need to show that you care through talking and listening. You can easily do this by asking him about his day, and other questions about his hobbies, or plans, and such. By doing this it shows that you are taking an interest in his life and are invested in it.

3) Compassion

Being compassionate to any negative emotions your husband is feeling is just another important trait you need to have if you are wondering about how to be the perfect wife. You need to show that you care enough, and are compassionate enough, to his emotions.

You also need to show him that you will try your hardest to help him through whatever it is he is going through. It could be health issues, family issues, stress at work, loss of a friend, or just something else. He may need space, time, or all your support and compassion in the world.

You know your husband best, and you know the form of compassion he will need to get through whatever it is that is bothering him.

4) Loyalty

couple talking by phone on beach

For any relationship to work, no matter the stage it is in (dating, a serious relationship, engagement, or marriage), you must always be loyal to your partner, just like how they must be loyal to you.

You need to trust that your partner will not cheat on you, flirt with others, or even check out other women.

Additionally, to be the perfect wife, you must also be loyal to your partner at all times. Even if you are hitting a very rough patch or are fighting a lot, you still need to be loyal to your partner. If you love them and they love you, you will work it out.

Although you may not want to think about rough patches, it is still very important to realize it will happen as you are married and together, but it doesn’t mean it is the end of the world.

It is just part of normal relationships. If you both fight, you need to talk things out and work things out. That way, you are both happy and trying to be better for each other.

5) Intimacy

Light those romantic candles, put your sexy lingerie on, and some romantic music. If that doesn’t work for you and your partner, then set up a sensual setting that will work for the two of you.

However, you should definitely consider incorporating body oil massages, lots of kisses, and some different locations for your sexy evening to heat things up.

By doing this, you will be doing something that is an important part of any relationship. Sex is not the basis of any relationship, but the romance and physical intimacy of sex is something that also bonds and connects the two of you.

When learning how to be the perfect wife, it also means you need to remember that sex and being intimate may take some surprise planning.

Yes, the heat of the moment is amazing, sexy, hot, and absolutely orgasmic, but sometimes planning something out as a sexy surprise, is critical to having a healthy and happy marriage.

6) Talk and listen

Cute black couple talking and holding hands

Talking with your husband about your day or anything that the two of you can discuss is amazing. Conversation is extremely important and the more communication the better.

However, sometimes, you need to remember that you also should not talk, and you should just listen. You need to listen with an open mind, even if it is something you don’t want to hear. After all, this is how you learn and grow together.

7) Date

Remember when you were young, just dating, and would always go out on an amazing date. Whether it was hiking, working out, weekend road trips, shopping, swimming, cafes, concerts, museums, or even movie nights, you went out together on dates.

Just because you are married it does not mean that the dates end. You still need to do all of those things together because it is what allowed your love to grow and flourish. It is also something which created such amazing moments and memories for the two of you.

Most couples, once they are married, stop planning dates and adventures. They also stop even planning date nights where they stay in.

It is really important to do this as it will provide so much energy and fun to your relationship. Just because you are married, it doesn’t mean the dates, romance, planning, and going out ends.

8) Split the chores

couple cooking

If you want to know how to be the perfect wife then it is important for you to know that you need to split the chores. You, or your husband, should not be the person who does everything.

You both need to split them up and get them done when they need to be done. That way, it will not get done at a time of inconvenience. It will also mean that your partner does not have to do it because you did not do it.

Additionally, if your husband is sick or too busy, then you should definitely take over his chores, and he should do the same for you in moments of when you are sick, or too busy.

Regardless, you both need to help each other out around the house for things to flow and work out nicely with no building resentment.

If you want to know how to be the perfect wife, then look at the woman your man fell in love with. Be her, and stay by her. Yes, people change as they grow, but remember to never lose touch with who you truly are.

In the end, your husband loves you for you, and that is what matters. You are the perfect wife. If you work on the traits mentioned above, then you will find that you are not only a perfect wife, but you are also a wife who is loving and caring. A wife, who supports, loves, helps, and enjoys spending time with her husband.

If you could think of any other traits that will help women learn how to be the perfect wife, feel free to share!

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