Forget daydreaming about looking like a Victoria’s Secret model; their sculpted physique is within reach if you follow their regime and diet habits.

The most important point to make before we begin with the diet of a Victoria’s Secret model is to remember that they are human too (even though they sometimes look other-worldly). This means that they weren’t born with perfect bod genes that allow them to strut with confidence on the runway—they had to work hard for it.

So, just like the gorgeous Victoria’s Secret girls, we too must adapt our lifestyles if we want that jaw-dropping physique. As they say, a good body begins in the kitchen.

Green juice

Woman drinking a homemade green detox juice 2

Don’t mistake green juice for the fad of juicing. Green juice is healthy, packed with much-needed nutrients and vitamins and hydrates rapidly. As the name may suggest, the healthy juice is packed to the brim with healthy green fruit and veg. Whatever combinations pique your fancy, you can blend them.

Candice Swanepoel

If you want to make a true angel’s green juice, here is their tried and tested recipe (concocted by the angels’ trainer herself – check her out on Insta – @modeltrainermarr):

  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Pears
  • 1 Celery Stick
  • Handful of Spinach and Romaine Lettuce
  • Lemon (as bitter as you can take it!)
  • A Squeeze of Organic Honey (to balance the acidic lemon)

The best time to absorb your healthy green juice is right after a sweat inducing workout to restore and rehydrate your body. The angels are big fans of this post-workout technique, and judging by their fabulous bodies, it’s something we’re going to take up in time for summer.

Oatmeal: A packed yet healthy breakfast

oatmeal with fruit slices

The Victoria’s Secret models don’t scrimp when it comes to breakfast—often said to be the most important meal of the day. To get that much-envied angel bod, the models pack in a number of grains to get them ready for their busy day ahead.

The grains are brimming with carbs that provide fuel for an action-packed day, meaning fatigue has no chance to rear its tiresome face. Do like the models, and take advantage of a hearty breakfast!

No sugar


The models go by the rule of avoiding sugar-packed foods; they aim to stay as clean as possible with their eating habits.

There are lots of ways to sweeten your foods naturally, so opt for those instead. Once you convert to a natural sweetener for foods you would often lace with sugar, you’ll eventually begin to loose your sweet tooth and not miss your old sugary habits at all.

No fast food

After a busy day at work, it’s easy to opt for a drive-thru and munch your meal on your journey home. Similarly, if you’ve been lax on the food shopping of late, it can be easy to want to dial up the pizza guy. This is something the Victoria’s Secret models never do—they avoid fast food.

Cook your own meals

The angels cook their own meals. When eating fast food or visiting a restaurant with a hearty menu, it’s hard to gauge how much bad stuff is actually accumulating on your plate. The models combat this by mainly preparing and cooking their own meals. This way, it’s easier to avoid an overload of calorific content or sugar.

It also prevents the intake of rather unsavoury ingredients that can leave a less than perfect completion. If the models are known for something other than their fab bods, it’s their immaculate skin. This means, by cooking your own meals, you’re tending to two vital parts of gaining the look of an angel.

This is a meal that Vita Sidorkina swears by:

Chicken fillet with mushrooms and tomatos

  • Cooked Chicken Breast (can be replaced with the equally healthy option of turkey)
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes

The great thing about Vita’s meal is that you can pile your plate high full of the good stuff, ensuring you’re full of healthy food that won’t pile on pounds.

Treat yourself

victorias secret models

To elaborate on the above point, the models don’t torture themselves by never eating out or treating themselves; it’s all about balance. If you don’t restrict yourself in a military fashion, you’re less likely to crave the bad stuff and stick to the clean regime that the models follow.

Be good to yourself, give in to the carb-tastic cravings every now and then and enjoy the clean eating habits of a Victoria’s Secret model—remember that they are human, too, and give in to a big bowl of pasta when it’s deserved.

The above Victoria’s Secret diet techniques are used by some of the most beautiful and sculpted women in the world. As you can see, it’s inexpensive and doesn’t require a lifestyle haul, so it’s accessible to all of us.

The catwalk body is something that takes hard work and dedication, but if you use the above tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the body you’ve been aweing over. We’ll be catwalk ready in no time!

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